Provence in a Shotglass
An aperitif is a wonderful time to spend with your family or with your friends drinking a good glass of champagne, wine and / or cocktail .
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Finely dice the aubergine, zucchini and pepper.
Heat a little olive oil in a pan. Sauté each vegetable quickly separately, then place in a colander. In the same pan, sauté the chopped onion and garlic, with the thyme and rosemary on low heat.
Peel and seed tomatoes, cut into small cubes. Put the drained vegetables back into the pan, add the diced tomatoes, season and cook for 1 to 2 minutes over low heat. Let cool.
Meanwhile, make goat’s cheese cream. Slightly warm the liquid cream, crumble the cheese in a bowl and gradually mix the cream with a wooden spatula. Stir in olive oil, salt and pepper. To make the shooters, remove the thyme and rosemary of the miniratatouille, arrange at the bottom of the glasses, then pour the goats cheese cream on top, using a pastry bag or a mocha spoon.
Tip normally I have too much miniratatouille, so I freeze the rest for shooters for another day or I serve it with pasta to my sons for example.
Bon Appetit!
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