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Sachertorte - the best known chocolate cake in the world

Desserts (cakes and tartes)  Austrian speciality  Chocolate 


Sachertorte - the best known chocolate cake in the world
Who doesn't know the Sacher Torte?

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Sachertorte - the best known chocolate cake in the world


Preheat the oven to 170°C, top and bottom heat.

The lightly warmed butter is whisked with the icing sugar and vanilla until frothy, then gradually add the six egg yolks and fold in the melted chocolate.

Beat the 6 egg whites until forming light peaks then add the granulated sugar and continue to whisk until stiff. Add the egg whites gently and slowly into the chocolate mixture in 3 steps.

The flour is then carefully folded into the batter so it is just blended without losing its volume.

Use a cake pan of 22 cm diameter. Use a sheet of parchment paper for the bottom of the pan. Now fill the mass into the cake pan and smooth it until level.

The cake is baked in a preheated oven at about 170 degrees Celsius. For the first 12 to 15 minutes, leave the oven door open (about a finger wide gap) so that the mass can lift and lightly bulge, but no crust is formed yet. Then bake the cake with the oven door closed for another hour. Now drop the cake in the cake pan onto a cooling rack and let it cool for 20 minutes, then put it back right side up and let it cool down completely. Only after the complete cooling is the cake taken out of the pan. To do this, use a thin little knife to cut the cake loose from the edges, removing then the cake bottom and the baked paper.

Sachertorte - the best known chocolate cake in the world
For the apricot glaze I always warm up the jam, add the alcohol and mix it until it is completely smooth. Now cut the top so the cake is level and turn it over again.

Cut the cake in half and add a layer of apricot jam. Put the two halves back together. Cover the cake with the rest of the apricot jam.

For the chocolate glaze, bring the cream to the boil, remove from the heat and stir in the chopped chocolate. Leave to stand for a few minutes, stir and finally pour this glaze generously over the cake. Place the cake on a small bowl or smaller tin for this purpose. Chill for some time.

As mentioned above, the Sachertorte is extremely durable and improves from day to day. It can be used for at least two weeks.

Enjoy your meal!

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